Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Unreal41 Candy Coated Chocolates

I tried the Unreal41 Candy Coated chocolates. I have no idea why they are numbered “41.” It was an interesting experience. At first bite, they seem like M&Ms. Then you realize that they have a heavier taste than M&Ms. Then you get a strange aftertaste. And you are curious, so you eat some more. They are definitely a completely different taste than M&Ms, so you may be disappointed if you think that's what you are getting. But I think I could get used to them. I like the idea that these are candy that is better for you as candy goes. They have no artificial ingredients, no hydrogenated oils, no corn syrup, and no preservatives. I received some coupons from BzzAgent to buy mine, otherwise I probably would have never realized these candies were out there.

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